We are delighted to announce our partnership with Heart Valve Voice, who are the UK’s dedicated heart valve disease charity. They work together with clinicians and patients to help increase the awareness of heart valve disease and improve diagnosis and treatment.
Heart valve disease affects more than 1.5 million people over the age of 65 in the UK
Health is the most important thing in life, and it needs to be taken care of. A regular stethoscope check is the first step in detecting heart valve disease, which is one of the biggest killers in Great Britain. It can include symptoms like breathlessness, dizziness, and fatigue, and sometimes there can be no symptoms at all. Heart valve disease affects more than 1.5 million people over the age of 65 in the UK, and a lot of people are not being diagnosed and treated early enough, although it can often be detected through a simple stethoscope check.
A regular stethoscope check is the first step in detecting heart valve disease.
Our Partnership with Heart Valve Voice
We are delighted to announce our partnership with Heart Valve Voice, who are the UK’s dedicated heart valve disease charity. They work together with clinicians and patients to help increase the awareness of heart valve disease and improve diagnosis and treatment. Heart Valve Voice also provide evidence-based guidance to make sure patients receive the treatment they need. Working with patients as well as healthcare professionals, they strive for a more cohesive approach to heart valve disease.

Heart Valve Disease Awareness Campaign,
September 11 to 17, 2023
Heart Valve Disease Awareness Campaign (September 11 to 17, 2023) is led by the Heart Valve Disease Patient Council of the Global Heart Hub, the umbrella group for cardiovascular patient organizations all over the world. Under the slogan #ListenToYourHeart, the campaign aims to improve diagnosis, treatment, and management of heart valve disease globally. The campaign focuses on the importance of a regular stethoscope check in order to detect heart valve disease early.
Find out more about Heart Valve Voice and Global Heart Hub’s awareness week.