Quality & Regulatory Affairs Manager at Riester

Admin | 3 January 2024


meet our people

Athanasios Tziotzios


Athanasios Tziotzios is a Quality and Regulatory Affairs Manager in Quality Management department. He is 26 years old and originally from Greece. After studying Medical Engineering at the Hochschule Furtwangen in Villingen-Schwenningen, he joined Riester in February 2021.



The decision of letting Riester be the home for his new professional career arose after having met other people in the company and experiencing a friendly environment provided with advanced infrastructure and technology. He is part of the quality management team that strives proactively to meet quality management requirements, especially the new challenges with the introduction of the Medical Device Regulation (EU)2017/745. Regulations compliance, specific medical devices standards, and products registrations around the world are only some of the crucial challenges that he and his team face every day.

"I try to improve myself every day and help other people also. I like Riester because I can connect with many people and together, we can always improve ourselves."